Irongate Wagyu Chose Super Comby EX to Maximise Feed out Versatility

Published 22nd November 2017

Irongate Wagyu, located near Albany, Western Australia, produce the finest Wagyu beef. We caught up with 30 year beef cattle veteran Mark James who manages the herd, to see why he chose Hustler’s unique Comby feeder…

Irongate Wagyu is on a property in the lush Kalgan River region located near Albany with an abundant water supply and excellent grazing land which makes it ideal for producing the finest Wagyu beef. Their breeding program is based on tried and proven traditional Japanese farming practices that have been successfully adapted by Irongate to suit Australian conditions.


Irongate Wagyu Beef has consistently been achieving some of the best meat grades outside of Japan. Full-blood Wagyu cattle are increasingly being graded 9+, higher than the highest grade in Australia! This in part is down to their secret ration that has been scientifically developed over the last ten years that gives Irongate Wagyu Beef its unique flavour, which is recognised internationally.


Mark James, the herd manager for Irongate Wagyu, is a 30 year beef cattle veteran that has a specialist interest in the husbandry and technical aspects of improving the genetic quality of the herd.
LH – Mark James, herd manager,  RH – Peter Gilmour, farm owner 

Mark’s chosen feeding system

Mark feeds a variety of bales, including 1000 round balage bales, and between 500-600 square bales of hay each season. When the time came to replace his previous feedout wagon, Mark wanted a feedout wagon that could feed out anything, so in tough times when he needs to switch between bales and pit silage, he doesn’t have to worry about changing machines. That’s why he chose Hustler’s versatile Super Comby EX, a 3-in-1 round bale feeder, square bale feeder and silage wagon all in one ultra low maintenance machine.


“the advantage I see with this machine

is that it doesn’t matter if we switch between

wrapped silage or pit silage”


Mark’s 13mSuper Comby EX round & square bale feeder, and silage wagon20171109_165121.jpg

Running a busy schedule at Irongate, Mark’s time is too precious to waste on putting up with the hassle of changing feeding machinery, and equipment downtime. Having invested in the Super Comby EX means peace of mind for Mark, knowing he can invest his time in more important tasks managing his cattle.

Watch the video to see what Mark has to say about his Super Comby EX


Wistia video thumbnail - Irongate Wagyu chose Hustler's Super Comby EX Feed out wagon

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