EagleTech™ Boom

Our all boom series for the Applic8r range,

Glides like an Eagle. Applies with precision. 

Glides like an Eagle. Applies with precision. EagleTech™ Onboard. 

When it comes to boom stability and application accuracy, EagleTech™ is a clear class winner! Featuring Yaw, Vertical, and individual Sectional suspension, hydraulic boom dampeners for a silky smooth glide like an eagle, in-line sectional filters, transport boom-locks, and the most user-friendly wing-lift means you’ll be covering more ground with an eagle, no matter how rough! 

And backed by Hustler’s 5 year warranty, peace of mind comes standard.

Kent Smith, Missouri (USA) – Applic8r LX1150

Peter Young, Walcha (Australia) – Applic8r Mounted Boom Sprayer

Lance Yanish, New Salem (United States) – Applic8r LX1150 EagleTech

Max Hall, Awanui Station (New Zealand) – LX1150 EagleTech™

EagleTech Boom Teaser Video


Hydraulic Boom Dampeners

Hydraulic Boom Dampeners on the self-leveling and end section suspension create the most amazingly supple boom ride, something not comparable in a boom of this size.

Hydraulic Boom Dampeners 700 500

In-Line Sectional Filters

Maximise that spraying window by eliminating blocked nozzles and nozzle filters, in-line section filters eliminate the need to run nozzle filters meaning you only need to change 5 sectional filters instead of 28 fiddly little nozzle filters.

Inline Section Filters 700 500

Triple Nozzles Bodies

Triple nozzle bodies allow for 3 pre-set nozzle sizes reducing the time it takes to switch between crops and they’re protected by the structure of the boom to further prevent downtime.

Triple Nozzle Bodies 700 500

Full Wing-Lift

Full individual wing-lift from the hip of the boom makes this the ultimate boom when working in undulating to steep country and is an absolute pleasure to operate.

self leveling EagleTech Boom 700 500

Unique End-Section Suspension

The end sections are suspended separately from the intermediate section, therefore reducing the weight from the boom and increasing longevity and boom stability.

clearcut 700 500

Unique Mast Rollers

Using Mast Rollers instead of slides reduces friction on the vertical suspension creating a more supple ride and reducing the impact on the boom when operating on rough terrain.

Hydraulic Boom Dampeners 700 500

Stainless Steel Tubes

Stainless Steel lines are stronger and less prone to damage should debris hit the boom.

Rubber safety holders EagleTech Boom 700 500

What our customers are saying

Hustler Applic8r-LX1150-EagleTechBoom MaxHall NZ

“Sometimes I like to find fault, just so I can wind the salesman up but I won’t be winding any salesmen up on this one”

Max Hall, Awanui Station (New Zealand) - LX1150 EagleTech™
Hustler Mounted Boom Sprayer

“I definitely recommend this machine, it’s brilliant, easy-to-use, good price, well-constructed, durable and they’ll customise it to what you want.”

Brett Farrell, Parakao (New Zealand) - Applic8r LX1150 Sprayer

“Hustler is a wonderful product, well made, the backup service and the people at the factory are just wonderful to deal with.”

Mark Haynes, Hawkes Bay (New Zealand) - Applic8r LX1150 Sprayer
Lance Yanish

“I couldn’t imagine not having this unit now. It’s just making life way easier.”

Lance Yanish, New Salem (United States) - Applic8r LX1150
pete young

“With its unique suspension, we can cover some quite rough, steep country”

Peter Young, Walcha (Australia) - Applic8r Mounted Boom Sprayer


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