Our Product Warranty Registration

Just a few steps is all it takes. Register your products with Hustler.

Thank you for investing in a Hustler! What a great choice!
We trust your new product will give you years of faithful service and improves your everyday life. When adding a new member to your family you take care of them, just as you will want to take care of your Hustler machine.
When reliability and peace of mind matter to you, quality and trust matter to us, so we offer a premium after sale service on all Hustler Products.


Mandatory Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) Checklists

Starting July 2024, all Hustler accredited dealers are required to complete a Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) checklist for each machine sold.

How to access and submit PDI checklists:

  • Click the buttons below to download the relevant PDI checklist.
  • Thoroughly inspect each machine and mark off all applicable criteria. Feel free to strikethrough any criteria that do not apply to the product you are checking.
  • Register the machine’s warranty and upload a signed copy of the completed checklist.

Ensuring a thorough PDI helps maintain Hustler’s commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

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