Chainless X5000 Eliminates Square Bales Being Trampled into the Mud
Dairy farmer, Phillip Harper from Carew, Mid Canterbury, used to flick his square bales out with the front loader, which wasn’t successful, so he decided to invest in a bale feeder
The trampling problem:
The main reason it wasn’t successful feeding his square balage bales was due to the cattle trampling the balage into the ground, wasting a lot of the forage, especially in the wet as he explains.
The trampling solution:
Philip wanted a feeder that could feed out under a hotwire to help reduce or eliminate any trampling, and that is where the Chainless X5000 came into its own, with the side mounted rotors placing the forage exactly where the operator wants. Having total control over the rotors and platform height gives Philip the flexibility to place the hay in piles for his younger R2’s to eat at, or in a neat windrow under the hotwire, giving him more versatility in feed out patterns and less trampling.
“I’ve got 150 R2’s in this mob, and everyone of them
has got a fair go at it and there’s no trampling at all”
The square bale solution:
Finding a bale feeder that can easily and precisely feed square silage is a challenge, and thanks to the Chainless X5000’s rotors, the top spinning 3 times faster than the lower rotor, which teases the biscuits apart rather than just spitting them over the side of the feeder.