23 Years Old and Still Going Strong, Moa Creek Adds a Second Chainless Bale Feeder To Their Operation

Published 14th August 2020

Their first Hustler was purchased some 23 years ago on Russell’s family farm and the time has come for an update. We’re glad we could help with choosing another Hustler bale feeder that fits the operation and ticks all the boxes for Russell and his right hand Gary. Especially the accurate self-loading system of the Hustler Chainless TX205 has been an attractive feature for Russell. 



Russell and Gary welcome us in Moa Creek, where they feed 1500-2000 bales between their family farm and a lease block. Their first Hustler bale feeder is still in operation after 23 years of service and according to Russell, “there only was the odd hick-up, mostly due to human error.” So they were happy to choose another Hustler bale processor when increasing the size of their operation, this time the latest generation Chainless TX205

“It takes the guess-work out of setting up a bale”

Gary likes the fact that the Chainless TX205 is easy to use and there aren’t many moving parts on the bale unroller – so not a lot to go wrong.  Low maintenance and robust materials are part of the reason, why their first Hustler lasted over 20 years. 

“The loading system is more accurate” Russell notes. “It takes the guess-work out of setting up a bale correctly on the bed.” The integrated tynes mean that Russell is able to set up the bale correctly and consistent each time, straight away. Which is a lot more accurate than letting the bale slide from a rail or the forks of the tractor. Rather than having to stop and correct the way the bale is sitting or unrolling while on the job, the Hustler self-loading system makes sure the bale is sitting perfectly in the chamber each time. 

Not only does this save time and makes a difference to Russell, but it is also safer than any other bale loading system. The bale can be unwrapped above the feed cradle, reducing waste. The operator decides to not load the bale? No problem, as the loading sequence can be reversed just as easily. 


Hustler Trailed Chainless Bale Feeders