Katunga Dairy Farm proves the reliability and versatility of the Super Comby

Published 21st July 2016

Red Cow Farm, a 280 cow Dairy farm in Katunga, Victoria, was founded in 2000 by Bill and Liz Hurford, after having seen the reputation of the Super Comby on a previous farm in the South Island of New Zealand they didn’t hesitate to invest in their own Super Comby for their feeding needs at Red Cow.

“the single biggest reason we chose the Comby feeder is because we only needed one machine to do it all”


Some 16 years later the Super Comby is still being used every day and is the only feeder they’ve needed for the farm come droughts, floods and feed shortages. At Red Cow they’re feeding 500 tonnes of wet silage, 500 round bales of Lucerne and a varying number of brought in square hay bales as the needs are required.

The 3 Generations of Red Cow Farm – Liz, David & Page Hurford – with their Super Comby


We caught up with Liz, David and Page the 3 generations on the farm today to see what they had to say about their Super Comby, “the single biggest reason we choose the Comby feeder is because we only needed one machine to do it all,” remarks David.  David operates the Comby on a daily basis and we were impressed with how well kept and maintained it was for a machine that’s well over a decade old. David tells us of how little has needed to be repaired apart from keeping up to date with the grease gun, “we’ve only needed to replace a set of tyres, and a hydraulic hose. It’s still on the original chains and sprockets!” he exclaims. Having purchased it as a demonstrator that had been around a few shows, they’ve got all the bells and whistles in a nice compact size for extra manoeuvrability. One look at the towing eye, is a give-away at just how much work this machine has really done, and it would be fair to say that with the resale value taken into account an investment of just than $1500 per year to have one ‘do-it-all feeder’, it has been a very wise decision for Red Cow Farm.

The stretched towing eye – evidence of the sheer amount of work the Super Comby has done. 

Combi Feeder Chainless Rear Floor - Forged Towing Eye

The original Comby feeder was invented when dairy farmer Don Robertson who farmed in the most rugged area of New Zealand wanted one feeder that could reliably feed any type of feed he could lay his hands on but couldn’t find a solution, so he built the solution. 39 years later and after many refinements Hustler Equipment is pleased to have acquired Robertson Manufacturing and to bring back to Australia, New Zealand’s most reputable Silage feeders with the same great service, and back up support that Hustler has become well known for.

Red Cow Holdings’ well cared for Super Comby barely shows it’s age.

See the Comby range online, locate your nearest stockist, or to reserve your space in the queue at demo nearby. 


Page with her favourite Murray Grey Calf – at Red Cow Farm