Get your copy of over 30,000 hours of research into comparing every system for feeding bales to cattle. Inside you’ll find the complete comparison of how each system performs on the 23 issues ranchers face.
To provide you with a balanced evaluation, instead of comparing brands, we’ve compared how each feeding system performs and compares in each of the 23 situations faced when trying to optimize performance when feeding bales to cattle:
Livestock feed represents the largest single cost – often up to 60 percent of the total operation spending.
The average bred cow weighs about 1,200 pounds and typically consumes 2.5% of her body weight on short stem hay, or 30 pounds/day of hay. Over an 80-cow herd, that is 2,400 pounds of forage-fed daily or over 180 tons during a 5-month timeframe. At $55/ ton, you will spend about $9,900 over that period (prices can vary locally based on several different factors).
According to a study by Dr. David Lalman of Oklahoma State University, “… the cows eating long stem consumed 1.8% of their body weight in dry matter (DM) intake and retained the same body condition.” So imagine if you could feed out long-stem hay reliably with a bale processor, how much could you save?
If you want to increase your pasture production and herd health along with reducing your hay wastage, maybe now is the time to rethink your feeding methods.