Currently feeding with a bale processor?
See how much YOU CAN SAVE (Guaranteed*) using Hustler’s precision bale feeding system, by entering the cost of your bales, and how many you use each season.
Feed wastage by other feeders can be caused by various factors:
Savings can be made by feeding the right amount of the bale, teased apart to the right amount and retaining the rest for the next feed. By feeding over a larger area compared to other feeders, there is less competition between the animals.
Typical savings achieved by using a Hustler Chainless bale feeder are between 15-40%, depending on your existing feeding system (chain feeders typically save 10-35%).
Whilst hay quality savings is the biggest benefit that Hustler’s unique Bale Feeding system provides compared to the traditional bale processor, there are also many other benefits:
Reduced diesel consumption
Reduction in maintenance and downtime
The integrity of the seed in the bale are maintained and germinate establishing new pasture
No dust to clog air filters on your tractor, stick to your grease points or get in the eyes of your cattle
Mold is separated from the bale without mixing it in the windrow.
Bales are simply teased apart without chopping, grinding, or shredding, which makes them more palatable and your cattle and the nutritional goodness in each bale is not destroyed
Windrow size is infinitely variable allowing you to customize the size based on your herds needs.
And much more…
*Our hay saving guarantee is subject to a FREE hay feeding consultation, with one of Hustler’s field consultants. To apply for the hay feeding consultation, simply enter your details in the form, and we’ll be in touch with you shortly.
Listen to our FGFG Podcast – James Doran
James talks about how he and his wife took over his family Angus operation after a number of years working on Wall Street, and how it’s sometimes hard, but the opportunity to walk around the farm and be in nature gives him the chance to decompress. He has some strong opinions about the big four packers, and about feedlot cattle raising in general, but also thinks that the ‘fake meat’ creators aren’t addressing how they’re replenishing the soil. He’s a proud user of Hustler Equipment as well, and talks about some of his favorite product features and benefits.