The majority of research in this guide was conducted in New Zealand, the world’s leading grass farming country, and includes best practices for improving the welfare of livestock and profitability of the organic & grass-fed farming modes.

Get your copy of over 30,000 hours of research compiled on every system for feeding cattle on organic & grass-fed farms.

  • Chainless bale feeder
  • Chain / slat bale feeder (Cradle feeder)
  • Bale unroller
  • Bale bed / Bale deck
  • Hay ring / Hay trailer
  • Bale Processor
  • Bale splitter
  • TMR Mixer

Our belief in sustainable farming practices, in particular natural pasture grass-feeding, underpins our range of world-leading livestock feeding solutions. The benefits of natural organic & grass-fed livestock are many – from happier, healthier animals and naturally fertilised paddocks through to better tasting meat and dairy.

We compare systems, not brands.

To provide you with a balanced evaluation, instead of comparing brands, we’ve compared how each feeding system performs and compares in each of the 23 situations organic farmers are faced with, when trying to optimize performance when feeding bales to cattle:

  1. Investment cost
  2. Number of cattle that can be fed
  3. Feed Waste
  4. Feed Damage
  5. Hoof trampling
  6. Time to feed each bale
  7. Pasture damage
  8. Ease of access to feed for all animals
  9. Manure and nitrogen spreading 
  10. Ability to use part bales
  11. Diesel consumption per bale
  12. Minimum tractor size required 
  13. Approx maintenance cost in the first 3 years
  14. Can feed hay bales
  15. Can feed baleage bales 
  16. Can feed round bales 
  17. Can feed square bales 
  18. Mix with other ingredients 
  19. Open field feeding 
  20. Indoor feeding 
  21. Bunk, trough, feed-pad feeding 
  22. Straw bedding capable 
  23. Single tractor operation

What our farmers and ranchers say

“Everything we got from Hustler is well built and simple and we won’t have to replace it for a very long time”

Adam Atkinson, South Devon (United Kingdom) - Combi CM136

“We’ve been impressed, as we just haven’t done anything to the feeder other than routine maintenance. No repair work on this machine unlike other brands we’ve had,”

Ted & Jed Miller, Baskin, Louisiana, (United States) - Chainless X5000/TE205

“Our in-calf rate is 8-10% better than it was previously, and this season is the first year with a zero postpartum mortality rate with all of our fresh cows.  And I think that’s 100% because of the way we’ve changed our feeding! It’s been a fantastic investmen

Scott Merieka, Wisconsin (USA) - Chainless X5000/TX205

“Moving into my mid-sixties, I’m done with wrestling bales of hay, so we got a Hustler for this purpose, which has relieved the physical strain”

Drausin Wulsin, Ohio (USA) - Chainless X5000/TX205

“Maintenance-free is an efficiency that we’re always looking for and Hustler seems to be able to provide that. It looks like it will have a fairly long life.”

Clay Chattaway, Alberta (Canada) - Chainless X5000/TX205
Mike Moretti

“Very happy with it. It’s basically a one-man operation and a very safe piece of equipment. We used to take 2 guys to go out and feed hay, and now we can do it with one employee or myself. And we use less feed, we don’t waste as much as we used to”

Mike Moretti, California (USA) - Chainless X5000/TX205

What feeding systems are you using to keep up with the consumer demand of organic & grass-fed products?

The organic grass-fed meat industry seems to be anticipated to exhibit the fastest growth rate during the next few years due to its clean-label traits and strong retail positioning among the consumers in developed countries.  Its dollar growth is increasing fast, certainly more than the total meat category. Grass-fed beef in particular presents a lucrative opportunity for producers, who can realise major price premiums for grass-fed, pasture-raised or locally-raised meat.

In the United States, for instance, grass-fed beef can sell for $2.50 to $3 (retail price) more per pound (0,45 kilos) than conventionally produced beef according to Consumer Reports

Finishing organic & grass-fed livestock takes time, effort and patience and the return on investment isn’t always immediate – but the result is highly rewarding in many aspects! If you are tempted by joining the movement, now is the time to rethink your feeding methods to reduce wastage, increase pasture production and the overall health of your livestock.


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