What is Bio-Carpeting?

Bio-Carpeting is a strategic feeding methodology that mimics natural grazing habits and allows you to control animal traffic to reduce hay waste and pasture damage.

Revitalize your pastures, Boost your profits

A proven, natural approach to pasture management

Imagine a pasture where your livestock graze freely, just as nature intended. No more overgrazed patches, no more wasted hay, and no more concentrated manure buildup. That’s the power of Bio-Carpeting, a revolutionary feeding method that mimics the natural grazing patterns of wild herds.

Bio-Carpeting is a simple yet powerful approach:

  • Spreads Out Feed: Instead of piling hay in one spot or in a hay ring, it’s unrolled in a long, fluffed-up, even windrow across your pasture.
  • Encourages Natural Grazing: This encourages your animals to spread out and graze naturally, just like they would on the open range. Plus, it offers equal access to feed to all animals.
  • Promotes Even Manure Distribution: As your livestock graze, they naturally fertilize the entire pasture, boosting soil health and forage growth.
  • Reduces Waste and Compaction: By avoiding concentrated feeding areas, you prevent overgrazing, soil compaction, and the accumulation of manure in one spot, boosting grass re-growth.

The result? Healthier pastures, healthier livestock, and a more profitable farm.

How Hustler Bio-Carpeting Works

It’s as simple as 1-2-3:

  1. Unroll, Don’t Dump: Instead of piling hay in a single location, our specialized Hustler bale unrollers gently unfurl it in a long, fluffy windrow across your pasture. This encourages your livestock to spread out and graze naturally, preventing overgrazing and soil compaction.
  2. Let Nature Do Its Thing: As your animals graze along the windrow, they naturally distribute their manure across the pasture, acting as a slow-release fertilizer. This promotes even nutrient distribution, enhancing soil health and boosting forage growth.
  3. Rotate and Repeat: By regularly moving the feeding area with your Hustler bale feeder or processor, you ensure that no single area is overgrazed or overly fertilized. This allows your pasture to recover and thrive, guaranteeing a continuous supply of nutritious forage for your livestock. You can additionally drag harrows across the pasture to break up any pile of manure. 

The Benefits of Hustler Bio-Carpeting:

  • Healthier Soil: Reduced compaction and improved nutrient distribution lead to richer, more fertile soil.
  • Increased Forage Production: Healthier soil naturally leads to more abundant and nutritious grass growth.
  • Reduced Input Costs: Bio-Carpeting helps you rely less on synthetic fertilizers, saving you money in the long run.
  • Happier, Healthier Livestock: Animals allowed to graze naturally are generally less stressed and more productive.
  • Environmental Stewardship: Minimized soil erosion and nutrient runoff protect water quality and the ecosystem.

Ready to see the difference Hustler Bio-Carpeting can make on your farm? 

What farmers & ranchers have to say about Bio-Carpeting

Stephen Gaskins Article photo 800w 3

“With the Hustler, I can put out 19 bales in a day where before it would have been 30 or more”

Stephen Gaskins, Pink Hill, North Carolina (USA) - Chainless TX205

“It’s put together with pride and care, and that’s really hard to find these days”

James Doran, Flemingsburg, Kentucky (United States) - Chainless TX205
bale unroller

When it comes to the Hustler Chainless LX105, the main benefit is ease of operation, I would probably put that above everything

Daniel Johnson, Tennessee (USA) - Chainless LX105

“Moving into my mid-sixties, I’m done with wrestling bales of hay, so we got a Hustler for this purpose, which has relieved the physical strain”

Drausin Wulsin, Ohio (USA) - Chainless X5000/TX205

“Maintenance-free is an efficiency that we’re always looking for and Hustler seems to be able to provide that. It looks like it will have a fairly long life.”

Clay Chattaway, Alberta (Canada) - Chainless X5000/TX205
Bill Fales 2

“I couldn’t believe it, but it saves a lot of hay”

Bill Fales, Carbondale (USA) - Chainless X5000/TX205

“The animals are actually eating the hay and getting the maximum amount of nutrition”

David Karsin, Portage La Prairie (Canada) - Chainless LX105

“I can throw anything into this box and it’s going to come out and be fed the way I want it to, in a nice line down the field where the cattle aren’t stomping every bit of it into the mud”

Kent Smith, Missouri (United States) - Combi RX148

“With the Hustler, we can repeatedly do three bales in four days, which is a reduction of 33%”

Ethan and Amy Hofschulte, Minnesota (USA) - Chainless LX105

How much hay can you save?

Hay Savings Calculator
1Choose your current feeding system type
2 How many bales do you feed per season?
3 Cost of your bales Average cost per bale
4 Choose a Hustler feeding system type

Listen to our FGFG Podcast – James Doran 

James talks about how he and his wife took over his family Angus operation after a number of years working on Wall Street, and how it’s sometimes hard, but the opportunity to walk around the farm and be in nature gives him the chance to decompress. He has some strong opinions about the big four packers, and about feedlot cattle raising in general, but also thinks that the ‘fake meat’ creators aren’t addressing how they’re replenishing the soil. He’s a proud user of Hustler Equipment as well, and talks about some of his favorite product features and benefits.



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