Rebale Hay the Easy Way

Tease apart your large round bales in less than 5 minutes to convert them into small square bales!

Make your rebaling operation more efficient and more profitable with huge time, labor cost and fuel savings.

  1. Increase the value of your hay
  2. Less labor required
  3. Beat Mother Nature’s weather patterns
  4. Save time, fuel and labor costs

Download our free guide and start turning your grass into cash!


Why would anybody rebale hay? Learn how to set up your indoor or outdoor rebaling operation easily and turn your grass into cash with Lance from Hustler Equipment.

FAQ - Why rebaling?

What is rebaling hay?

How to rebale hay?

What are the benefits of rebaling hay?

Why is it financially worthwhile to rebale hay?

Does rebaling damage the forage?

Is rebaling hay not a total waste of time?

Rebaling Calculator

Return On Investment Calculator

After unsuccessful attempts with other rebaling methods, most rebaling operations turn to Hustler for the optimum rebaling solution which helps them overcome many challenges:

  • Effectively teases the hay to mimic that “raked windrow” texture to minimize jammed balers and broken shear pins
  • Allows the operator to feed the baler consistently to produce uniform square bales
  • One tractor can run both the square baler and the rebaler
  • Preserves hay quality for longer
  • Substantially reduces handling time and cost
  • Eliminates hours of back-breaking labor or expensive equipment to collect small bales
  • Increases the value of your hay
  • Store the large bales and re-bale the small squares on demand or during winter
1 Number of Large Bales to Re-bale Per Year
2 Current Price of Large Bales $
3 Number of Small Squares per Large Bale

*Typically 20-22 small squares per round 5x6 bale, 16-18 small squares per 4x5 bale

4 Current Price of Small Square Bales $
5 Total Value of Large Bale After Re-baled into Small Squares
7 Number of re-baled large bales to pay for Hustler De-baler
8 Years to Pay off Hustler De-Baler

Download our free rebaling guide

Increase hay value by up to 3 times! In under 5 minutes, 15-20 small square bales can be converted from 1 large bale at a value of $4-6 each, that equates to $60-120 worth of small hay bales.

Download our free guide to find out more.

2022 Rebale Guide illustration

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