3M di Dalmasso Franco

Via Mondovì, 54, 12040 Borgo Rosso, Morozzo CN, Italy

About 3M di Dalmasso Franco

3M di Dalmasso Franco is a company with thirty years of experience in the agricultural equipment sector with the aim of providing complete assistance to its customers.Repairs, safety and field work come first in the everyday work in the new 2,000 m2 covered site.A lot of equipment is available for testing and rental. The sales network offers, in addition to soil preparation machines such as subsoilers, embankers, soil preparers with square springs and rollers of our production, the resale of high quality vehicles such as the Moro, Crosetto, Gallignani plows. And also the Orsi, Amazone, Fontana, Sfoggia, Vigolo shredders … to satisfy the most varied needs and the best productivity for the customer, the possibility of viewing a wide choice of equipment used on site.

Dalmasso Franco (owner)

Tel 0171-772555 / Fax 0171-771171

Email: info@3mdalmassomacchineagricole.it

Product Range

Alimentadores de Bolos

Son cada día más los agricultores eligen Hustler por sobre cualquier otra marca de...

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Manipuladores de Bolos

Ya sea se requiera manipular bolos o fardos,  pequeños o grandes, las manipuladoras de bolos...

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