Northline Equipment Ltd

241 Briar Meadows Subdivision, Pouce Coupe, BC, Canada

About Northline Equipment

After completing his agriculture-based trades program in Switzerland just over twelve years ago, Frank Schneider followed his family to their newly purchased cattle ranch east of Pouce Coupe. Frank worked six years for the local John Deere Dealer before his wife Jordan and him decided to branch out on their own.

Frank and Jordan wanted to find a way to focus on customer support, and develop lasting relationships with their customers, something they felt was missing in the industry.

In March of 2014 Northline Equipment Ltd. became a reality. Initially, Frank and Jordan operated out of their service truck and the shop at the family farm. Later that year they secured a shop in Dawson Creek and after four years have recently moved out to their personal shop just east of Dawson Creek where they have been able to expand their business ventures yet again.

Since their start-up, Frank and Jordan have gradually taken on a few of their own dealer lines of farm equipment. They began in 2015 with JBS and have since added Kuhn, Schuitemaker and Hustler Equipment.

Frank Schneider

Product range


Landwirte weiltweit entscheiden sich für einen Hustler Equipment Ballenablöser. Die robuste...

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Ob Rund- oder Quaderballen, kleine oder große Ballen, Hustler Ballenzangen mit ihren...

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Proven in the field & around the world, Hustler’s Combi feedout wagons are designed for...

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241 Briar Meadows Subdivision, Pouce Coupe, BC, Canada

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What our customers are saying

Bill Fales 2

“The Hustler has just been a great machine for me”

Bill Fales, Carbondale (USA) - Chainless X5000

“Moving into my mid-sixties, I’m done with wrestling bales of hay, so we got a Hustler for this purpose, which has relieved the physical strain”

Drausin Wulsin, Ohio (USA) - Chainless X5000

“I have found the Hustler to be better when feeding silage and dry hay. The Hustler bale processor is versatile”

Peter Pelster, Nebraska (USA) - Chainless X5000 - Dealer
Andrew Ferguson

“After running the Hustler for a few months, we decided to go ahead and purchase two more”

Andrew Ferguson (USA) - Chainless X5000

“The machine is not like a processor where you’re losing all the leaves off it, the leaves are coming off with the stems, and the cattle don’t have to lick them off the ground”

Mulvey Gulch Ranch (USA) - Super Comby EX
Sarah video festured image

“We put all that time and energy to put up beautiful hay with all the Alfalfa leaves, and the processor kind of just blows it up into the air. I wanted to go with something that would just roll the bales out”

Sarah Salsbury, Montana (USA), Chainless X5000

Lance Paskewitz

Business Development Manager – North America

Jordan Symington

Business Development – North America

Russell Seed

Business Development – North America

Angus Hewetson

Global Business Development Manager

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