Cervus Equipment, Hamilton

94 Portland Rd, Hamilton, VIC, 3300, Australia

Phone: 03 5572 3522

Email: info.hamilton@cervusequipment.com.au

Website: https://www.cervusequipment.com.au/hamilton.html

About us

Cervus Equipment operates dealerships across Australia, New Zealand and Canada, we’re a global team with one shared purpose. It’s our mission to enable our customer’s success by providing practical and reliable equipment solutions and support. Our customers count on us to keep them moving forward and we meet that challenge with exceptional customer service and industry-leading brands including John Deere, Kuhn, Goldacres and Fieldquip.

Phone: +61 3 5572 3522

Email: info.hamilton@cervusequipment.com.au

Product range


Landwirte weiltweit entscheiden sich für einen Hustler Equipment Ballenablöser. Die robuste...

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Ob Rund- oder Quaderballen, kleine oder große Ballen, Hustler Ballenzangen mit ihren...

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Proven in the field & around the world, Hustler’s Combi feedout wagons are designed for...

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94 Portland Rd, Hamilton, VIC, 3300, Australia Phone: 03 5572 3522 Email:...

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What our clients have to say

Ashley Rowe_Ardrossan_Ashley Rowe 1_Mar 18

Ardrossan producer Ashley Rowe was so convinced of the benefits to be gained from the Hustler SL360X, he bought two of them.

Ashley Rowe, Ardrossa (South Australia) - SL360X

We visit McLennan Holdings in Meander, Tasmania, who recently replaced their Chainless 4000 with the all new X5000.

Callumn Broomhall, Meander (Australia) - Chainless X5000
Test aus

“We brought the Hustler feedout wagon because of its simplicity and the diversity of being able to go from pit silage to round silage which was a great asset”

Trent Adams, Chatsworth House (Australia) - Super Comby EX

“The single biggest reason we chose the Comby feeder is because we only needed one machine to do it all.”

David Hurford, Katunga (Australia) - Super Comby
doug hanks

Doug Hanks milks 440 dairy cows and runs 300 head of beef cattle in Stony Creek, after having tried most brands of feedout cart and found them unreliable in the past he thought he’d give Hustler a go. Read on to see what he has to say 5 years down the track…

Doug Hanks, Stoney Creek, (Australia) - SL700X

“Our first Comby proved that we could feed square bales if we had to buy square bales in dry times, more than adequately, does a great job of feeding out chopped silage, but also means if we’ve got a few round bales we can throw in the wagon and feed them”

Graeme Nicholl, Fish Creek (Australia) - Super Comby
Glenn Anderson

Glenn Anderson, a beef farmer located in Northern Tasmania, and his family run a Gelbvieh & Murray Grey Stud. Read this story to see how they overcame feed shortages…

Glenn Anderson, Tasmania (Australia) - Chainless X5000

“Over the years I have purchased 4 Robertson machines. They are the strongest, most reliable, hardest working machine around. With the capability of feeding out silage, round & square bales so it also saved us capital expenditure by eliminating the need to pur

Ged, Warrnambool (Australia), Feedout wagon

Field Consultants


Angus Hewetson

Global Business Development Manager

Jordan Cornes

Business Development – Australia

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