AgCentral Co-op

920 Congress Pkwy, Athens, TN 37303, USA

About AgCentral Co-op

AgCentral Farmers Co-op is a farmer owned, farmer operated business formed in 1945 under the name of McMinn Farmers Co-op to enhance farmers’ buying power and profitability. The fact that AgCentral is farmer owned and dedicated to the service of and cooperation with our farmers and customers is what sets our business apart from many others. AgCentral provides twenty-four hour on-call service with a dedicated, well trained and experienced dairy support team. Not only do we serve and support our dairy farmers, but AgCentral fully supports family farms and commercial beef farms in terms of service, design, and equipment. We offer many lines of dairy, hay, feeding, manure, and ventilation equipment.

Office: 423-507-9303

Eric Risser

Product range


Landwirte weiltweit entscheiden sich für einen Hustler Equipment Ballenablöser. Die robuste...

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Ob Rund- oder Quaderballen, kleine oder große Ballen, Hustler Ballenzangen mit ihren...

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Proven in the field & around the world, Hustler’s Combi feedout wagons are designed for...

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920 Congress Pkwy, Athens, TN 37303, USA

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Bill Fales 2

“The Hustler has just been a great machine for me”

Bill Fales, Carbondale (USA) - Chainless X5000

“Moving into my mid-sixties, I’m done with wrestling bales of hay, so we got a Hustler for this purpose, which has relieved the physical strain”

Drausin Wulsin, Ohio (USA) - Chainless X5000

“I have found the Hustler to be better when feeding silage and dry hay. The Hustler bale processor is versatile”

Peter Pelster, Nebraska (USA) - Chainless X5000 - Dealer
Andrew Ferguson

“After running the Hustler for a few months, we decided to go ahead and purchase two more”

Andrew Ferguson (USA) - Chainless X5000

“The machine is not like a processor where you’re losing all the leaves off it, the leaves are coming off with the stems, and the cattle don’t have to lick them off the ground”

Mulvey Gulch Ranch (USA) - Super Comby EX
Sarah video festured image

“We put all that time and energy to put up beautiful hay with all the Alfalfa leaves, and the processor kind of just blows it up into the air. I wanted to go with something that would just roll the bales out”

Sarah Salsbury, Montana (USA), Chainless X5000

Lance Paskewitz

Business Development Manager – North America

Russell Seed

Business Development – North America

Angus Hewetson

Global Business Development Manager

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