Sometimes, the traditional way is not the best way.

Let Hustler enlighten you on the best way to feed your cattle.  

The capacity to feed, the mess, the damage to pasture, and the wastage… all of these versus the Hustler Way

Download our Guide, to discover a beneficial hay feeding system. 

hay ring

What's inside this book?

Hay rings are the most popular and are widely available feeders in the market backed by the usual perception that hay rings save time because you only have to fill them every few days. And of course, it is the most affordable option with low capital outlay for ranchers.

If you’re considering or already using hay rings or hay trailers, then this is a must have. Inside this complementary download we cover:

  • Case studies
  • Independant industry opinions
  • Solutions to independantly identified issues
  • Options for improving your profitibility 
  • How you can spend less of your time feeding out

Feeding System Comparison | Hay Ring vs Hay Buffet

Find the ultimate feeding solution for success in your operation.

Hay Ring Feeding System Hay Buffet Feeding System
Χ Hay Waste and Spoilage  ✔  No waste = Hay saving
Χ  Less Herd movement ✔ Keeps your herd moving
Χ Messy = more wastage ✔ Tidy long windrow
Χ Excessive soil compaction and barrenness = soil damage ✔ Reduced soil compaction = Improves pasture quality 
Χ  Less capacity to feed ✔ Gain flexibility and create a safe environment for your herd
Χ Unequal access to feed  Easy equal access to feed

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hay buffet

In the example in the picture above there is 1x bale and 1x hay ring/rack/feeder for 60-80 cows. This is causing issues for the following reasons:

  1. Refusal – The bales left outside deteriorate each day as it weathers
  2. Contamination – Hay being dragging into the mud and spoiled
  3. Impalatable – Because the bale is not broken down the cattle need to tear apart the bale themselves, reducing the amount they consume.
  4. Overfeeding or underfeeding – Not all cows have access to the feed, which can create underfeeding situations for the cows at the bottom of the pecking order. Putting more bales out could result in overfeeding to the “boss” cows and still not enough for the weakest one, creating unwanted waste and not enough weight on the animals.

Imagine a ‘Hay-Buffet’ bale feeding system that:

  1. Allows each bale to serve 100+ cattle equally.
  2. Allows the bale laid out in a long swath so your cattle can serve themselves.
  3. Teases apart the bale without destroying the nutritional goodness, making it easier for your stock to receive all the nutrition you’ve put into a bale.
  4. Spreads manure throughout the pasture, eliminating concentration areas.
  5. Doesn’t turn the beautiful pastures on your ranch into a muddy and infectious bog.
  6. And imagine all of this in a package that makes feeding so efficient, our customers see more than 40% savings in feed costs.

Such a solution exists – and it’s Hustler’s unique ‘Hay-Buffet’ feeding system!

Maybe now is the time to rethink your hay ring process?

Distributing manure throughout your pastures by windrow feeding versus bale ring feeding not only improves your pasture growth but it eliminates the need for manually spreading manure and re-seeding damaged pastures. Windrow feeding also allows you to limit feed and give everyone equal access to good feed in a healthy environment. This means that you can reduce your feed bill and contribute to a more uniform herd condition while keeping a safe environment for your younger stock. Studies prove that feeding hay in a narrow windrow instead of a round bale feeder can reduce wastage from nearly 40% down to just 2-3%! 


What our farmers and ranchers have to say?

“The animals are actually eating the hay and getting the maximum amount of nutrition”

David Karsin, Portage La Prairie (Canada) - Chainless LX105
hustler bob ethel australia unrolla te205 1

“With the other brands, it just bashes straight into the feeder itself, whereas the Hustler, it lowers it into it”

Bob Ethell Beeac, Victoria (Australia) - Unrolla TE205

“It’s put together with pride and care, and that’s really hard to find these days”

James Doran, Flemingsburg, Kentucky (United States) - Chainless TX205

“We were able with this machine to limit-feed our cattle rather than free-choice our cattle and it really helped us stretch our hay supply through the entire winter. Not only did it do that, but it allowed us to feed hay throughout the pasture and spread ferti

David Fiske, Virginia Tech, Raphine (United States) - Chainless X5000/TX205
Chris Box

“It streamlines the job and makes it more convenient for getting the job done”

Chris Box, Victoria (Australia) - Chainless TX205
Bill Fales 2

“I couldn’t believe it, but it saves a lot of hay”

Bill Fales, Carbondale (USA) - Chainless X5000/TX205


Listen to our FGFG Podcast – James Doran 

James talks about how he and his wife took over his family Angus operation after a number of years working on Wall Street, and how it’s sometimes hard, but the opportunity to walk around the farm and be in nature gives him the chance to decompress. He has some strong opinions about the big four packers, and about feedlot cattle raising in general, but also thinks that the ‘fake meat’ creators aren’t addressing how they’re replenishing the soil. He’s a proud user of Hustler Equipment as well, and talks about some of his favorite product features and benefits.