Why is the Hustler Trailed Unrolla the most stable trailed bale feeder on the market?

Published 9th March 2023

Jordan Cornes explains the features and benefits of the Hustler trailed Unrolla bale feeder that differentiates from other trailed bale feeder brands, making it the most stable trailed bale feeder on the market today. 


Hello all, one question we’re often asked is about the stability of our Unroller trailing bale feeders. I’m going to tell you why our Unroller TX205 is the most stable chained bale unroller on the market. Firstly, other machines on the market have an A-frame drawbar, supposedly to make it a more stable machine. However, the downside is this restricts the turning circle. So we’ve gone with a single post drawbar, meaning that you’ve got the tightest turning circle on the market with the Unroller chained bale unroller. Now to combat the argument of the stability is we’ve gone with the three pin adjustable axles, meaning that you can have the best of all worlds being able to adjust it out to the widest option, meaning that you have the axle width of nearly two metres. This means that you’ve got the widest axle width and the most stable machine on the market. Also, the rear loading system contributes a lot to the stability of the machine. Having the total control loading system means that you can spear the bale, meaning you’ve got total control over what that bale is doing. Rather than the bale sitting on a platform up high, it gives it the chance of it rolling off when you’re on uneven terrain. Spearing the bale also means that if you are on hilly country, then you can lower the rear loading system right down. This decreases and lowers the centre of gravity. Thanks all, hope that’s helped answer your questions about why the Unroller TX205 is the most stable chained bale unroller on the market.