These are the results of direct feedback from ranchers who own the Hustler bale feeding system.





1. Separating mould from feed.

2. Flick tough bales out from the driver seat.

3. Controlled loading saves time.

4. Foreign objects aren't a problem.

5. Cleaner operation.

6. Stability on the hills.

7. Quick and easy to service.

8. Easy net wrap removal.

9. Smoother running in cold weather.

10. Grain remains on the stalk once fed.

11. Infinitely variable swath size.

12. Straw bedding.

13. Frozen bales? No problem.

14. Safer environment for cattle.

15. Low power requirement.

5 Benefits of feeding long-stem hay

  1. Feeds the good bugs in the rumen – These microorganisms do the bulk of the work in the digestion process and they need to eat too!
  2. Increases enzymatic activity – This is critical for breakdown of starches and tough feeds.
  3. Increases Nutrient absorption – Keeping things fluid in the rumen is so critical for getting nutrition into the bloodstream where it can actually impact health.
  4. Balances pH in the Rumen – Ultimately creating the optimum digestive environment
  5. Helps prevent bloat – Acts as an anti-foaming agent

Another huge benefit of long-stem hay, and a much more visible and tangible benefit is how the animals intake and digest it. Feeding long-stem hay lengthens the whole digestion process allowing the good bugs to capture more nutrition from it before it goes out the back end.


“Our drives to moving to this bit of kit was finding a safer alternative to the PTO straw chopper, and to get to one tractor operation for bedding up. The Hurricane stood up to the challenge and straw no longer gets trodden in as quickly”

Adam Atkinson, South Devon (United Kingdom) - Hurricane LX104

“Everything we got from Hustler is well built and simple and we won’t have to replace it for a very long time”

Adam Atkinson, South Devon (United Kingdom) - Combi CM136
Andrew Ferguson

“After running the Hustler for a few months, we decided to go ahead and purchase two more”

Andrew Ferguson (USA) - Chainless X5000/TX205
andrew gordon 2

“It’s never broken down, side bars are very useful as you can see where it is when going through gates as well as keeping mis-shapen bales in the chamber on the steep country we operate on”

Andrew Gordon (Scotland) - Unrolla SL700X/TX205
Ashley Rowe_Ardrossan_Ashley Rowe 1_Mar 18

“Hustler allowed me to feed out more efficiently and save on feeding costs”

Ashley Rowe, Ardrossan (South Australia) - Unrolla SL360X/LX105

“It just made my life a lot easier.”

Adam Grabenstein, Eustis, South Western Nebraska (United States) - Chainless X2500/LX105

Like to see the 3 key reasons?

Though there are many other benefits that leading ranchers appreciate, there are 3 key reasons for choosing the Hustler feeding system.