Designed especially for feeding the grain directly onto the row of feed. It is available in two sizes; 750kg grain tank for Super Comby, and 1000kg grain tank for Super Comby EX, Mega Comby and Silage Wagons. This invention eliminates the need for a separate spreading operation out in the field.
Feed control unit has a special auger with adjustable speed, which delivers a measured amount of grain on top of the feed, so the livestock get the correct amount and there’s less wastage
Eliminates the need for a separate trip to the field, and additional equipment for the spreading operation. This saves you time, equipment and fuel.
Operated from the comfort of your tractor seat using 12 volts off/on the control unit.
The grain tank is constructed from 3mm steel plate incorporating a full-length rain-proof lid which allows for filling with a bucket or from a hopper and has a powder coated finish.
The Grain Bin mounts easily on the side of any feed-out machine and can be operated from the tractor seat using 12 volts off/on the control unit. This versatile unit can be fitted in a matter of minutes to virtually any feed-out wagon or comes as an optional extra on Hustler Feedout Wagons.
This unit controls the special auger which delivers a measured amount of grain onto the row with.
The distribution of the grain is via a flexible stainless steel tube.
The grain tanks are constructed of 3mm steel plate incorporating a rain-proof lid and powder coated finish.
The grain bin has a gauge so you know how much grain is still in there at any time.
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