Why does this dairy farmer love his softhands and other Hustler machines?
Dairy farmer, Mark Benns, owns three hustler products on his farm in Waikato New Zealand. He is milking over 230 Jersey cows, on 65 hectares. Mark Benns raves about his Hustler Softhands®.Mark moves an excess of over 300 bales every year on and in the paddock, including loading & unloading of tip trailers. They needed a set of quality hands that would be up for the job.
“This is our second season with them & they have been a really valuable piece of kit for us.”
Our Hustler Softhands® are built specifically for round bales. Operators rave about how nice these bale grabs are to use. The Softhands® have an optional patented floating Equaliser® system and carry Hustler’s 4-year warranty for added peace of mind. Trusting our brand would be the right fit, it paid off for Mark.
“We never had any experience with Hustler Softhands before, but having had experience with other Hustler products, we decided that Hustler Softhands® were going to be the best for our operation.”
Benefits Mark Experienced:
- Mark loves the fact that with Hustler Softhands®, you get excellent Visibility.
- You can see the bale quite clearly, and that to Mark means less ripped bales and faster loading and unloading of the bales.
- Mark loves the Equaliser bar on the Softhands®
Our Hustler Softhands® have optional mounts to suit your needs:
(See our new website to customise your Softhands®- http://bit.ly/FarmerBaleHandlers)
1. Plain – No loader mounts
2. Euro Hitch Mounts
3. Skid Steer Mounts
4. MX Loader MOunts
5. P20 Hitch Loader Mounts
Softhands® with optional floating Equaliser® means when Mark is operating the Hands at the same rate, making it easy to stack the bales.