Comby Wagon Delivered And Made One Very Happy Customer
Justin Walsh has taken over their family farm and does summer feeding using a type 10 machine. It takes him too much time and wastes a lot until…
He was introduced to Hustler Super Comby. He has been watching as many videos from our media pages online so he could find the best way to load the wagon.
He said all the videos showed a different way so he figured it wouldn’t matter.
Justin has taken over the family farm and he used to roll out silage bales, and occasionally feeds hay squares with a system 10 type machine. It obviously took too much of his time, not to mention it wasted a lot of food. He just wanted something that is best for his job.
Agriquip, one of Hustler’s best dealers demonstrated Super Comby to him.
The super Comby was delivered and made one very happy customer.
He’s also looking at the possibility of feeding food waste and corn silage about 4-5 bales per day in the future.