Watch Hustler’s Grain Feeding Attachment in Action
Unique to Hustler is a Grain Feeding System that is designed for Comby Feeder Wagons, but can be fitted to Silage Wagons of any colour and adds whole new level of versatility to the Feedout wagon, and you can save an extra pass in the field Everyday.
Grain Feeding Attachment
The Grain Feeding Attachment is compact in design and fits snugly into the side of the Feedout Wagon and has a flow adjustment to calibrate the amount of grain being fed, which can be distributed on top or beside the feed row.
Designed primarily for grain of any type be it, Maize, Barley, Oat, Mixed, etc, it can also handle Palm Kernel along with some other supplements.
Key Features include:
- Sight gauge for easy and accurate filling
- Full length lid for filling with a front end loader bucket
- Flow adjustment to regulate the amount of grain being fed
- Adjustable delivery chute, allows the supplement to be accurately placed
- Compact, easy-to-use design
“It cut our 5 hour daily feeding routine
down to 4 hours“
Ron Lett, Turanganui, South Wairarapa
Sizes available:
- 500kg Capacity (depending on weight of grain)
- 800kg Capacity (depending on weight of grain)
- Available as a kit to retro-fit to most colours of feedout wagon
Watch the Grain Feeding Attachment in action: