Hustler Hosts the 2016 American Forage & Grassland Council’s Tour of New Zealand
This year’s tour was led by Dennis Hancock, the Associate Professor and Extension Forage Agronomist at University of Georgia and included 22 of America’s leading Forage and Grassland professionals. Hustler Equipment was pleased to host them in the Waikato to lead a conference on profitable livestock feeding…
The tour involved discussions of the various traditional livestock feeding methods used in North America and how they compared to innovative methods applied by the world’s leading grass farming country, New Zealand, and was supported by New Zealand Trade & Enterprise.
Topics on the agenda included:
- How to maintain and boost profitability when feed costs are increasing and livestock prices are under pressure
- Methods for maximising nutrition in the feed and how this aids fertility and survival rates without increasing costs
- Methods for improved livestock feeding conditions, and how they increase productivity
- The challenges traditional feeding methods face and a range of solutions for overcoming them
Live product demonstrations:
- America’s most popular trailing bale feeder the Chainless X5000
- The innovative new SL360X bale feeder and how this integrates into a TMR feeding program
Some of the group stayed on for the annual NZ Grasslands Association’s meeting in Timaru.
Here are some of the photos from the demonstration section of the tour
Thanks to passionate Hustler customer Wille Berkers of Waitomo for making his farm available for the tour, Frank Berkers from GAZ for helping out with demonstrations, and NZT&E for their support.
Hustler’s new Chainless X5000 bale processor is gaining popularity with leading American ranchers due to the low fuel consumption, low disturbance of the nutrition and low maintenance and its ability to process any bale without ever plugging!